“You know what impresses me the most about little Henry?” David asked. I shrugged.
“His innocence lead him to love everyone and everything equally, even those he had never met. In his head he rationally thought that nobody likes a candy that tastes like pepper so he took it upon himself to prevent the candy to be left behind or anyone to be discontent by the taste.”
“Yea, I saw that. He wanted the chocolate one but took the other two instead.” I said.
“Yes, yes… the other charm that boy has, he had an idea, a brilliant idea to enjoy the pepper flavored candy, with a soup flavored candy.” David laughed merrily.
“For every action there is a reaction, for every yes there is a no, for every light there is dark and for every spice there is soup.” David laughed some more, enjoying himself in the wittiness of the small boy.
“You see bella, he was not limited in ideas, and his joyful mind makes everything enjoyable. Everything is an experiment and every experiment is fun regardless the outcome. That’s how a child is and that’s how we should be.
“And how he selflessly thought about the candy and another person’s discontent and would not let that happen. How he cared for that other person who he probably would never meet and the candy that is believed to have no soul. We should all have a loving heart of a child.” David smiled.
“We all are loving children of the universe with brilliant minds and craves of new enlightenments.” He summed up. “Just like little Henry.”
I smiled and nodded. Silently I wish I was a kid again and be as free as they are.
“We all have the child in us bella, we just never listen to it anymore.” Once again I felt like David could read my mind. I looked at him inquiringly and he just smiled like always.
“And it’s never too late to be a child again… to let your soul free and live life with a child’s heart and an adult’s wisdom.” He added while opening the box in his hand.
“Here… choose your candy” he offered the color filled box.
“Does this one taste like chocolate?” I asked pointing on a light chocolate colored candy and raised my left eyebrow teasingly.
He laughed and nodded, “Yes my dear, it tastes like milk chocolate.”
“Then I’ll have this one for Henry.” I said and picked up the candy.
“To Henry…” David agreed.
Hi, is this like your novel?
ReplyDeletehi windchills, yes it kinda is... hope u like it :)